Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Season of The Miracle League Program

Finally, the spring season for The Miracle League Program has started, and I could not be any happier! 
Yesterday I attended my first game of the season, and I was assigned to be Sweet Kendall's buddy. For those that are unfamiliar with The Miracle League Program, a buddy is simply someone who inspires and encourages the child/young adult with special needs throughout the entire time of this miraculous baseball game. Kendall was more than a pistol ball, and no matter how difficult the task seemed she still gave one hundred percent. Whether she was having trouble with hitting or catching the ball, she never let her contagious smile leave her face. It truly is amazing to see the positivity that a child with special needs can carry. 
That's one of the greatest things about this program- to be able to witness something that may be truly impossible become possible. 
All my love,
Ashlyn Cullifer 
Kendall sure can hit a ball!

We are always ready for a quick picture! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Healthy Life

With a new year comes the chance to change different things in our lives. This is a chance for each individual to have a fresh start and a clean slate! 
One step I believe everyone should take is working towards a healthy lifestyle! I know this has been on every New Year's resolution list, and sometimes it has been a goal that hasn't been scratched out with the thought of accomplishment. This is the year to change that. I want you to be able to pick up your favorite pen and mark this goal off of your list with a confident, accomplished smile! 
Preparing yourself mentally is the first step towards reaching your ultimate goal of a healthy life! When we have processed the fact that we can and will, we do. Then, you can start beginning to eat healthier foods and add a few gym days to your week. I know it doesn't sound that simple, but it truly is. Once you have made this a routine it all becomes second nature. 
So even though it isn't exactly January 1st, we are still at the beginning of the year, and it is never too late for you to live a healthier life! 

It's a family affair for all ages!

I love this quote because it shares the message of how we are the decision makers. We are that one person that has to commit to take the first step in creating a better life for ourself and become an influence for the people that surround us!