Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My Platform: The Miracle League Program!

As most of you know, I partake in pageants. There are many different systems, and with different systems there are different requirements. What a lot of pageant systems do have in common though,  is the fact that each contestant must pick and choose a platform that they are passionate about, something they feel they can empower and further throughout their reign or life. 
My platform is The Miracle League Program,which allows children and young adults with disabilities to play the sport of baseball. The great thing about The Miracle League Program is there are a lot of different ways you can get involved. You can donate, become a buddy, hold a fundraiser, coach, or start a league. This allows you a wide range of opportunities to become involved in your local Miracle League!
As you can see, The Miracle League Program survives from donations and time commitment from their community. Donating, this an easy way for someone who doesn't have time to spare but still wants to be a part of changing the lives of children and young adults with special needs. Time commitment, what most people don't realize is that a single game at The Miracle League takes approximately thirty minutes! Just think about it, giving thirty minutes of your time is all it takes to make a child with special needs smile! You could be the person that helps them believe in their self!
My part in The Miracle League is simple, I am a buddy. Buddies (Angels in the Outfield) run, walk, and even push these players with disabilities that grab your heart a little bit tighter than your hand. I get to encourage and inspire these children with special needs. I've learned to never desert a person when they're down because that's just when they are going to get back up! The Miracle League has this same outlook on life as well. When volunteering at a game one day, the girl I was a buddy for had fell and hurt her knee; she seemed embarrassed and wanted to sit down for a little bit. The story doesn't stop there though, when Shea felt better she was able to finish out her run through each base and cross the home plate! It's moments like these when I remember simple rules of The Miracle League, which are that every player is always safe and every last batter to step in the box is always a home-run hitter! There are a few other rules but these stick out to me because no matter what a child's limitations are The Miracle League Program places no limits to making a child with special needs happy!
So pick up a pen, phone, check, or application and get involved with your local Miracle League Program because our motto is "Every child deserves a chance to play baseball!"
This is The Miracle League Program logo. You will see this logo on t-shirts, websites, signs, and just about anywhere there is a Miracle League!

After a game with Kendall! Her sweet smile is contagious to anyone she meets!

Quick picture with Tommy at Family Fun Day, he always calls me "Pretty Girl!"

My local Miracle League field, the place where each child, regardless of their disabilities, gets the chance to play baseball!

It was a honor being able to crown The Valentine's Day Dance Queen!

Dancing with Sweet Tommy at the Valenine's Day Dance, where the children had so much fun!

Another picture from Family Fun Day at The Miracle League!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Past Month!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ashlyn, and I am the current Miss Teen Florida International titleholder. Though my reign is coming to an end, the accomplishments I plan to make are still in the horizon. Since this is my first blog I decided to list what I have been up to this past month.
I just returned from Chicago, where I competed for the title of Miss Teen International 2013! Little did I know through this experience I would gain thirty-nine other sisters. I have met so many amazing young women, and I truly walked away a different person. 
Even though I did not walk away with the crown, I did walk away with many accomplishments! Not only did I receive second runner-up, but I also received the photogenic award and the fun-fashion  award! 
These awards are so special to me because the photogenic award isn't just judged by a professional picture you send in, but by the candid photos that are taken of you throughout the week when you make appearances with the othe state titleholders. In other words, the judges pick the contestant that exemplified the most personality and authenticity through the candid shots. The fun-fashion award is given to the contestant whose fun-fashion catches the judges eyes! I was honored to have been given that award, too!
Walking away without the crown was disappointing, but the memories I made and the times I shared with some of the most amazing young women around the world was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Before take off! Little did I know what awaited my week!

The group photo of all forty contestants, the current Miss Teen International (Caroline Crowley), and the director. (Mary Richardson) 

After I received Miss Teen International 2nd Runner-Up!

After I was announced Miss Teen International Photogenic Award Winner!

Before fun-fashion competition with Miss Teen Georgia International (Jessica Marshall) and Miss Teen Alabama International (Laura Mckenny)

Having a blast backstage!