Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Past Month!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ashlyn, and I am the current Miss Teen Florida International titleholder. Though my reign is coming to an end, the accomplishments I plan to make are still in the horizon. Since this is my first blog I decided to list what I have been up to this past month.
I just returned from Chicago, where I competed for the title of Miss Teen International 2013! Little did I know through this experience I would gain thirty-nine other sisters. I have met so many amazing young women, and I truly walked away a different person. 
Even though I did not walk away with the crown, I did walk away with many accomplishments! Not only did I receive second runner-up, but I also received the photogenic award and the fun-fashion  award! 
These awards are so special to me because the photogenic award isn't just judged by a professional picture you send in, but by the candid photos that are taken of you throughout the week when you make appearances with the othe state titleholders. In other words, the judges pick the contestant that exemplified the most personality and authenticity through the candid shots. The fun-fashion award is given to the contestant whose fun-fashion catches the judges eyes! I was honored to have been given that award, too!
Walking away without the crown was disappointing, but the memories I made and the times I shared with some of the most amazing young women around the world was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Before take off! Little did I know what awaited my week!

The group photo of all forty contestants, the current Miss Teen International (Caroline Crowley), and the director. (Mary Richardson) 

After I received Miss Teen International 2nd Runner-Up!

After I was announced Miss Teen International Photogenic Award Winner!

Before fun-fashion competition with Miss Teen Georgia International (Jessica Marshall) and Miss Teen Alabama International (Laura Mckenny)

Having a blast backstage!

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