Monday, December 30, 2013

Having a Little Brother

As most of you know, I am the sister of a three year old brother named Braxton. With the eyes of a three year old come the responsibilities of always being a role model. It never ends. I always have to make sure my words and actions exemplify a characteristic I wish for my brother to have! I'm not at all saying that everything I do is perfectly executed, there are plenty of bumps I've overcome on the road of being a mentor for Braxton, but I am saying that with the chance of teaching him- I gain the opportunity for him to teach me. 
Having a little brother like Braxton is hardly explainable because right when I think I can understand what is going on inside of his tiny but eventful little brain, he seems to switch gears and easily show me that he can never be defined. I love him for that, too. Braxton has taught me to love the life I live, and to live the life I wish to have. He has been my biggest supporter and my best friend. 
So, as I sat across the table from my three year old brother at Chuck-E-Cheese today, it dawned on me. Braxton is growing up, and becoming a little boy. No matter what though, he still continues to make me laugh when he pouts his lips and make me smile when he wraps his small arms around my leg to hug me with the words of "Ash, I love you!" 
To be his sister is my job, but to be his role model is my wish!

Sometimes you have to be the tattletale, and then other times you have to be the partner in crime!

He's a lover of life! 

He adds a little more spunk and energy to my life!

A day spent with Braxton is a day to never forget! 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

United for Morgan

Two rival schools with one purpose, the purpose to give back to one special little girl and her family. 
Morgan Hasty, a fourth grader at Providence Christian School, has been battling sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma (rhabdo) since the year of 2010. She has become such an inspiration to so many people in the Wiregrass Area, and on December 14, 2013 Providence Christian School and Houston Academy were both able to be apart of this inspiration, too. 
With the help and ideas from a few of Providence Christian School's students, the United for Morgan fundraiser quickly assembled to help benefit Morgan and her family with all of the medical expenses that followed after treatments. A flag football game between the junior and senior girls of both schools would help this happen. It didn't stop there though, volunteers and supporters also came to contribute their time and money to fulfill the wish of raising as much money as possible for Morgan! 
The greatest moment of the day for everyone, I think, would have to be when Morgan was able to score the winning touchdown for the Providence Eagles. We were all able to witness an ambitious, brave, young, ten year old girl simply enjoy life and all of its blessings. With her two best friends by her side, Morgan ran down the field with a football in her hand and a smile on her face. Just like that, the football players, cheerleaders, volunteers, and supporters were all able to understand the true reason we were there- not to win a game but to celebrate Morgan and to become united for her! 
At the end of that rainy Saturday in December, the fundraiser was able to give Morgan and her family exactly $8,700. 
(If you would like to make any type of donation to Morgan, please like the Praying for Morgan Hasty Facebook page and send a message. Thank you.)

My favorite football player, Alison! 

All of the football players, cheerleaders, and coaches with Morgan. 

Josie giving Morgan some encouragement before the touchdown run!

The people responsible for the creation and existence of the fundraiser for Morgan! 
(Josie, Nick, Morgan, Brooke, and Caroline)

The one little girl who has overcome more obstacles than we could ever imagine- Morgan Hasty. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

War Eagle or Roll Tide?

The day after an amazing Thanksgiving with my family, we were on the road to watch the Auburn Tigers play against Alabama in the Iron Bowl. It's been a few years since Auburn has become a candidate in advancing to the SEC National Championship; so we were all anticipating an eventful weekend. When we arrived in Auburn on Friday afternoon we could easily tell that everyone else felt the exact same way, and we knew this was going to be a crowded game, but the more people the better!
On Saturday morning the game began to play out, and every fan of both teams shared their football team support. As the real game approached that afternoon, Jordan-Hare Stadium began to fill up and became extremely loud. Then, as the game progressed, each fan became more nervous with each play that was carried out. I witnessed first hand that this was not going to be an easy win for either team! 
My favorite part was watching Chris Davis, number eleven, run into the end-zone after receiving what was supposed to be a field goal kick. To be able to see history being made right before my eyes was astounding! I couldn't and still can't believe the miraculous game that declared Auburn the SEC West Champions! Both teams played an amaziong game, and they both fought for the win but at the end of the day there could only be one winner. 
It was so much fun for my family and I because not only was this the first Iron Bowl Braxton was able to attend, but he was able to witness the atmosphere of Auburn and the victory that night! I loved watching him have a blast throughout the entire game, while yelling "War Eagle," and seeing him have the chance to roll Toomer's Corner! Not only did my family make memories, but Auburn made history!

The Friday before game day! Braxton is the football player, and I am the cheerleader! 

All of us cousins were ready to cheer on them Auburn Tigers!

Before the game started!

After the winning touchdown, the fans went crazy and flooded the field!

We believed. We loved. We won. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

This Past Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving isn't just about gathering everyone in your entire family to enjoy a well-cooked meal, but its about gathering everyone in your entire family to enjoy a well-cooked meal that helps you see why the little things in life are the biggest things! 
I hope everyone can see and understand the prior statement because I feel like sometimes we walk down the path of our lives without enjoying the beautiful scenery that surrounds this path. We need to step back and look at the big picture. What a better way to do this than by being surrounded by the people you love the most on a holiday that can't do anything else but remind you to count your blessings. 
One thing my family added to the tradition of Thanksgiving was a "Thankful Board." My mother had this white board with a wooden frame made for everyone in the entire family to sign. Everyone, no matter the age, wrote down something they were thankful for and wrote their name and the year. The great thing about this is that not only is this a chance for you to create memories, but it is such a great reminder to ourselves of just how much we are blessed. 
After pondering through everything I should be thankful for and am thankful for, only one word stuck out to me in my head. This year on the white board with a wooden frame I wrote LIFE. I can't think of a better word to sum up everything I'm thankful for because even though life may be hard sometimes and we can't understand, I know there is a purpose for everything. After all, isn't that what we all should be thankful for- the life we get to live through Jesus Christ. 

One thing I hope every person has on Thanksgiving is something to be thankful for, and to be surrounded by people that help you see why!  

One thing I love most about my family is all of the babies that are within it!