Sunday, December 1, 2013

This Past Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving isn't just about gathering everyone in your entire family to enjoy a well-cooked meal, but its about gathering everyone in your entire family to enjoy a well-cooked meal that helps you see why the little things in life are the biggest things! 
I hope everyone can see and understand the prior statement because I feel like sometimes we walk down the path of our lives without enjoying the beautiful scenery that surrounds this path. We need to step back and look at the big picture. What a better way to do this than by being surrounded by the people you love the most on a holiday that can't do anything else but remind you to count your blessings. 
One thing my family added to the tradition of Thanksgiving was a "Thankful Board." My mother had this white board with a wooden frame made for everyone in the entire family to sign. Everyone, no matter the age, wrote down something they were thankful for and wrote their name and the year. The great thing about this is that not only is this a chance for you to create memories, but it is such a great reminder to ourselves of just how much we are blessed. 
After pondering through everything I should be thankful for and am thankful for, only one word stuck out to me in my head. This year on the white board with a wooden frame I wrote LIFE. I can't think of a better word to sum up everything I'm thankful for because even though life may be hard sometimes and we can't understand, I know there is a purpose for everything. After all, isn't that what we all should be thankful for- the life we get to live through Jesus Christ. 

One thing I hope every person has on Thanksgiving is something to be thankful for, and to be surrounded by people that help you see why!  

One thing I love most about my family is all of the babies that are within it! 

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