Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cousin Lovin'

This past Saturday all of the grandchildren were invited to my grandparents' house for a "Cousin Party!" We all haven't been together in such a long time, and it was so great being able to catch up with all of them! Even though we all are very different ages; we still know how to have fun and make family memories!
My family is very competitive, and we are always making up rules to the game as we go. I was able to watch my younger cousins play water gun fights, avoid getting thrown into the pool, push someone into the pool, and partake in a volleyball game with one of my younger cousins. 
I began to realize how much I miss being a child. Like any teenager, I wish I could turn back the hands of time and cherish every moment because in the blink of an eye you're old. 
Growing up, my cousins and I were very close, but as we got older our schedules got busy and so did we. One thing I want to do is spend as much time as I can with my family because sometimes that's all we've got and most of the times that's all we need! 

With my cousins Montana (left) and Saylor (right)! 

Taking a few action shots of my younger cousins having a blast!

Even though we haven't all been together in a while, we all picked up where we left off!

Wyatt and Lydia playing around!

Eagle Pride!

This past Thursday was my school's first football game of the season! I am so proud of the talent on the team this year, and I can't wait to see how they progress. My night was filled with lasting memories. While cheering on the Eagles, I was able to witness the unification of my own school. I actually observed my surroundings rather than just taking a short glimpse. 
My school is one that gets very involved with anything going on at Providence! From the very beginning of the day, all the students were extremely excited to start the season. It started off with all of the high school boys piling in the boys' bathrooms, while singing the National Anthem! In total, I believe one hundred and ten boys was the amount that joined in the "ceremony." The cheerleaders gave all the football players a "Good-luck Goodie Bag," which made them feel more than special. Lastly, the student section was packed with all of my peers cheering their Eagles on at the night of the game! We didn't win, but we didn't lose either. The final score ended at 24-24. Since it was a Jamboree, overtime was not applied because it's kind of like a pre-game. 
Even though we didn't win, we all still loved being able to feel the season of Fall quickly approaching! I know this year is going to be the best one yet! 

Supporting our Eagles at the Jamboree! Love my friends and this school!

Alison, me, and Britney! They did such a great job cheering on the team, let's not even mention how gorgeous they look while doing it!

My three favorite cheerleaders! Britney, Elizabeth, Alison, and I!

Friday, August 16, 2013

School Is Back In Session: Junior Year!

This past Wednesday I started my junior year of highschool! I can't believe how old I'm getting and that I only have two short years left! Pretty soon the Class of 2015 will be walking across the gymnasium with big smiles from ear to ear, while still not realizing that by the end of that night we will be declared an Alumni of Providence Christian School! Luckily, I still have two more years until that time comes; so we won't rush things!
It was extremely great getting back into the routine of school, though. I reall didn't see any of my peers all summer because with everything going on it seemed like I was always on the go, literally! A day never escaped with out something being done! Now that I am back in school though, one thing I am really focusing on is applying myself. My school is one that is always moving forward and always advancing so you have to stay on task. The students are pushed to do their best, and I love that! 
For the people that don't know me that well, I transfered schools in January 2013, and I immediately transferred to Providence Christian School. As a person that has experienced other school systems, I can definitely say that the teachers at Providence really do love to teach, and the students really do love to learn! I know this sounds cliché because that is what schools\ are for, but I truly believe there is no better way to say it!
So even though we are all sad summer is over, remember to always apply yourself! The only way to stay on task is to start on task. Make sure your first day of school you have everyting you need to make yourself an "A" student!

Leaving for my first day of Junior Year!!!

I had such a hard time leaving Braxton!

Group photo with my best-friends! We were more than excited!

By the second day of school Emily and I were matching! What a typical best-friend move!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Being Able to Model for Sherri Hill!

What an opportunity it was to model for Sherri Hill in Atlanta this past week! I met so many beautiful girls that it was a little intimidating, but when I spoke to them I realized that they were not only beautiful on the outside but the inside, too!
I spent every waking moment with at least twenty other girls for an entire week! We all got to know each other VERY well! We all had things in common, too. Most of us were pageant girls; so when we weren't eating or modeling we were talking about pageants!
I learned many things throughout the week, but one thing that really stuck out to me is how hard modeling really is! We stayed in our heels all day long, which was about twelve hours. For the people who aren't familiar with wearing heels that long, you tend to gain blisters when wearing heels for that amount of time! Even with the blisters on your feet, you still have to keep that beautiful and glowing smile shining bright, though. You have to have a certain aura about yourself that draws people in. An important thing to remember when modeling is to sale whatever you are wearing. Make the buyer fall in love with the simplest of details on a dress because when you show them that you love it, they love it! As a model you have to understand that some things look better on other people. You have to be able to realize that sometimes a certain color or style doesn't work for you, and you shouldn't model it because that isn't helping the dress at all! I learned all of these "modeling rules" throughout the week, and i will never forget them! 
To the woman who makes every girls' dreams come true, Sherri Hill! She designs dresses for girls that make them feel like princesses, and has the privilege to give girls like me a chance to accomplish some of their highest goals, modeling for her! She is one of the sweetest and down-to-earth people you will ever meet. Her humble attitude truly makes her a joy to be around! There is no other designer I'd rather wear!                                                                   
Much Love,
 Ashlyn Cullfer

A sweet girl named Caroline and I goofing off because we still couldn't believe we were modeling for Sherri Hill!

Many laughs and smiles backstage with some of the most talented and beautiful girls around the world! Never a dull moment!

Miss Bolivia Universe and I! She will be competing this year for the title of Miss Universe!

A quick picture with Sadie Robertson from Duck Dynasty!

What a blast it was hanging out with Madison and Caroline! We made lasting friendships!

We had to have a quick photoshoot before we said farewell to Atlanta!

Hated saying goodbye to Kellie and Caroline!

Sherri and I right before I left for Dothan!