Friday, August 16, 2013

School Is Back In Session: Junior Year!

This past Wednesday I started my junior year of highschool! I can't believe how old I'm getting and that I only have two short years left! Pretty soon the Class of 2015 will be walking across the gymnasium with big smiles from ear to ear, while still not realizing that by the end of that night we will be declared an Alumni of Providence Christian School! Luckily, I still have two more years until that time comes; so we won't rush things!
It was extremely great getting back into the routine of school, though. I reall didn't see any of my peers all summer because with everything going on it seemed like I was always on the go, literally! A day never escaped with out something being done! Now that I am back in school though, one thing I am really focusing on is applying myself. My school is one that is always moving forward and always advancing so you have to stay on task. The students are pushed to do their best, and I love that! 
For the people that don't know me that well, I transfered schools in January 2013, and I immediately transferred to Providence Christian School. As a person that has experienced other school systems, I can definitely say that the teachers at Providence really do love to teach, and the students really do love to learn! I know this sounds cliché because that is what schools\ are for, but I truly believe there is no better way to say it!
So even though we are all sad summer is over, remember to always apply yourself! The only way to stay on task is to start on task. Make sure your first day of school you have everyting you need to make yourself an "A" student!

Leaving for my first day of Junior Year!!!

I had such a hard time leaving Braxton!

Group photo with my best-friends! We were more than excited!

By the second day of school Emily and I were matching! What a typical best-friend move!

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