Sunday, August 25, 2013

Cousin Lovin'

This past Saturday all of the grandchildren were invited to my grandparents' house for a "Cousin Party!" We all haven't been together in such a long time, and it was so great being able to catch up with all of them! Even though we all are very different ages; we still know how to have fun and make family memories!
My family is very competitive, and we are always making up rules to the game as we go. I was able to watch my younger cousins play water gun fights, avoid getting thrown into the pool, push someone into the pool, and partake in a volleyball game with one of my younger cousins. 
I began to realize how much I miss being a child. Like any teenager, I wish I could turn back the hands of time and cherish every moment because in the blink of an eye you're old. 
Growing up, my cousins and I were very close, but as we got older our schedules got busy and so did we. One thing I want to do is spend as much time as I can with my family because sometimes that's all we've got and most of the times that's all we need! 

With my cousins Montana (left) and Saylor (right)! 

Taking a few action shots of my younger cousins having a blast!

Even though we haven't all been together in a while, we all picked up where we left off!

Wyatt and Lydia playing around!

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