Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trees Before Turkeys

Every year we always put up our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this year since the Iron Bowl will be taking place during the weekend after the holiday, we decided to decorate early!
One thing I love most about decorating the tree is all the memories that are rekindled with the sight of an ornament and the touch of the branch that I choose to hang the ornament on. The reason the ornaments have such a sacred value in my family is because every year we get a new ornament, which allows us to accumulate plenty of ornaments by the time we become a teenager. I love this so much because it's fun to be able to call something "mine!" 
Watching Braxton's eager and inquisitive face every time my mother pulled out an ornament truly was something I will never forget. Another thing I learned quickly from Braxton was that he only had three, while I had sixteen, so I obviously had to let him hang some of mine! It was fun seeing his face light up when he was allowed to hang each individual ornament, and it was even more fun being able to help him! I love being able to spend quality time with my family because we all know the times we share together is what holds us together! 
Decorating the Christmas tree is always a fun and memorable experience, and it was just the thing I needed to get me in the Christmas Spirit- even if Thanksgiving hasn't happened yet! 

We love decorating the tree!

Sometimes we all need a little lift! 

Finally finished decorating the tree!

The final appearance! 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Passing on the Crown

This past Friday I gave away my first "Miss" crown! The Miss Lamplighter Pageant is a fundraiser pageant held every year at the prior school I attended. Before I transferred, I was blessed enough to win the title of Miss Lamplighter! 
This title is a huge honor because this is the title that represents the school's official yearbook! Every year many girls in grades sixth to twelfth compete in the Junior Miss and Miss Lamplighter Pageant. It's a very special day for every girl because not only do you get to walk on a stage in a beautiful gown, but you also go to school earlier that day and receive an immense amount of support from all of the student body!  
I can't thank my friends and family enough for the support they gave me on the night of my farewell! I am blessed in so many ways and even though I sometimes fail to express it, I am very aware of it! 
Congratulations to all of the girls who competed and the newly crowned queens! 
Shellie(Jr. MissLamplighter)  and I(Miss Lamplighter) before the pageant began!

I love that I have such supportive friends that are always behind me no matter what! 

Then newly crowned queens!

Savanna and I at Cheddars! 
We can't ever take serious pictures! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Belated Halloween!

Even though it is a day late, I still would like to wish everyone a very Happy Hallowen! 
I love holidays, not only because it consists of great food and even better decorations, but because it is such a great way for the whole family to spend quality time together! 
This year, my family and I decided that we wanted to carve pumpkins- so off to the pumpkin patch we went! We went to a local place called Aplin Farms, which is a great place for any family with children of all ages! What was supposed to be a day of just "picking pumpkins" turned into a day filled with hayrides, train rides, sunflower fields,  animal exhibits, corn mazes, and a pumpkin patch! 
This was my first time ever visiting Aplin Farms, but it is surely not my last! I enjoyed every moment of being there because when you are surrounded by the poeple you love, nothing can be less than amazing! 
I want to encourage anyone that lives in the Wiregrass Area to check out this exciting adventure that awaits your family, and if you don't live near by, I encourage you to find your nearest pumpkin patch and make lasting memories that you will cherish forever! 
More than excited to pick our pumpkins! 

My favorite part about Aplin Farms is the beautiful field of sunflowers!

All of us enjoying the Hay Ride!

I'll do anything for Braxton, that includes riding a train that is slightly too small for me to fit in!

Braxton ready to collect some candy with our freshly carved pumpkins and his Thomas the Train outfit!