Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Trees Before Turkeys

Every year we always put up our Christmas tree the weekend after Thanksgiving, but this year since the Iron Bowl will be taking place during the weekend after the holiday, we decided to decorate early!
One thing I love most about decorating the tree is all the memories that are rekindled with the sight of an ornament and the touch of the branch that I choose to hang the ornament on. The reason the ornaments have such a sacred value in my family is because every year we get a new ornament, which allows us to accumulate plenty of ornaments by the time we become a teenager. I love this so much because it's fun to be able to call something "mine!" 
Watching Braxton's eager and inquisitive face every time my mother pulled out an ornament truly was something I will never forget. Another thing I learned quickly from Braxton was that he only had three, while I had sixteen, so I obviously had to let him hang some of mine! It was fun seeing his face light up when he was allowed to hang each individual ornament, and it was even more fun being able to help him! I love being able to spend quality time with my family because we all know the times we share together is what holds us together! 
Decorating the Christmas tree is always a fun and memorable experience, and it was just the thing I needed to get me in the Christmas Spirit- even if Thanksgiving hasn't happened yet! 

We love decorating the tree!

Sometimes we all need a little lift! 

Finally finished decorating the tree!

The final appearance! 

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