Monday, October 28, 2013

Talons Up!

My school takes pride in the white and blue, and no matter what the score board tells us we will always love the Eagles! 
This past Friday my school, Providence Christian School, played our rival, Houston Academy, in the game of football. 
We started off the morning with finishing up the details in our sections for the pep rally, which would come in the afternoon. Next, the entire high school joined together in a tailgate, which included an inflatable! Then, we celebrated our school spirit by participating in what would be the last pep rally of the season. Lastly, we finished the day dressed in all navy, while cheering on our Eagles in the student section at the football game! I love days like these because it truly makes me see how blessed and thankful I am for having the chance to be apart of such an amazing school! 
Even though Providence wasn't able to walk away victorious on Friday night, we were all able to walk away as one! If you just attended one game at my school, you could witness yourself just how unified my school is! We win together, we lose together, we cry together, we laugh together, and we move on together! 
On yeah, I almost forgot...TALONS UP! 

We love the Eagles! 

All of the Junior girls embracing the Navy Nightmare spirit! 

Are you scared yet? 

Ready or not, here we come! 

Bonfires and Best friends

With high school comes many memories and times spent with friends, in this case it happened at a bonfire! 
The one thing I love most about my school is the people that surround it! No matter where I am at I always have a friend because we can all easily hang out and get along. 
Last week my entire high school, ninth through twelfth grade, gathered in honor of a football game that occurred the following Friday. Though we were all there to show our school spirit and pride, we were also there to enjoy everyone's company! 
I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by, but I am making sure to remember to sit back and take everything in because pretty soon high school will come to an end. 
So, as we all go through the daily routine, let's not forget to embrace the moment and realize that time does fly, but if you surround yourself with the right people you will enjoy the ride and cherish the memories! 

Savanna, Alison, and I making memories!

I love these two girls! (Emily on the left and Anna on the right)

Hugs and smiles with Carolyn, Hannah, and Caroline! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weagle Weagle

Growing up, I've always been raised in believing that I bleed orange and blue. No matter the circumstance or the season, I've always been an Auburn Tiger! 
My family has season tickets; therefore, I attended the game in Auburn this past weekend. I especially loved this game because the weather was absolutely perfect for some football! Let's not even mention the score, which was 62-3 with Auburn taking home the victory against Western Carolina! 
The game wasn't my favorite part, though. Being able to spend quality time with my family was the icing on the cake! We were all able to bond and just enjoy each-other's company, while teaching my little brother the right way- The Auburn Way! 
I also love coming to the games because it gives me a glimpse of my future! When I say this I mean that I want to attend college at Auburn University. I don't want to go to Auburn just because I'm an Auburn fan, but it genuinely feels like home. Auburn is where I belong, and even though I'm not sure what my major is going to be...I know this is my future school! 

How could you love any other team? There truly is only one way..."The War Eagle Way!"

I love my family! They're always helping me chase my dreams, no matter how insane!

This is Auburn Football! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Days with Alison!

Between a busy summer and hectic school schedule, Alison and I really haven't been able to just spend bonding time together. So, during our Fall Break, we decided quality time was a must! 
First, yesterday we spent the whole day running around town and exploring new things. One of the things we explored was style. Since, we both have similar but very different styles we wanted to try a style that was very beyond both of ours. After contemplating and searching through many stores we found the perfect one that let us become different people with different tastes in clothing. I loved creating a punk/rock outfit that could even turn me. In fact, my outfit kind of did turn me because I ended up walking out with the same jean vest that I'm wearing in the photo. What I learned through the exploration of different styles is that usually a piece of clothing can be very misleading, and maybe if we just try it on, without judging a book by its cover, we can actually expand our own style!

We decided to try out the punk/rock look for the first time!

Second, today we were less adventurous because after a full day of shopping, a birthday party, and late night talks we were very exhausted. Also, let's not even mention the fact that we woke up and took part in a cardio class at X-treme Fitness this morning! After our workout and really just lounging around the house, we managed to get ready and enjoy the fall weather. Being able to relax outside and sit on the grass let me soak in all of life's beautiful creations. From listening to the birds chirp to feeling the fall breeze on my face to laying in the grass, I began to form an appreciation for all the little things we overlook. 
All in all, I have enjoyed these past couple of days with my best-friend, Alison. She helps me see the good in everything, even when I feel like there can't be any good. In fact, I've never met anyone like her at all. I love the saying "opposites attract" because it is very true. Alison and I couldn't be more different, but I think that's why we are so compatible. We bring out the best in each other. Our friendship can't be defined and it sure cant be denied! 

Flowers and Giggles

Life is fun, but when you have a best-friend by your is way more fun!

Laugh at the bad times and gaze at the good.

Our relationship described in one picture! Alison is acting crazy, while I am a laughing by standard. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Miss National Peanut Festival Pageant!

If you live in Alabama, Florida, or Georgia you might be familiar with the National Peanut Festival. If you are familiar with this, then you must have heard about the Miss National Peanut Festival Pageant. To have the chance of competing in this National pageant, you must first win a Preliminary title within the state of Alabama, Florida, or Georgia. As soon as you gain a preliminary title, you are on your way to "Peanut!" 
This past weekend forty-one young women had the chance to compete for the title of Miss National Peanut Festival. One of these young women was Miss Dothan, Raven Pasibe. She graced the "Peanut" stage with complete and utter elegance. She walked away as 4th Runner-Up, and she placed in top five of every category! I am so honored to have the chance of meeting Raven and being able to build a relationship with her! Believe me, this isn't the last of Raven Pasibe! 
A collage of Raven and I throughout the year!

Caelyn and I at the pageant! We were both very nervous and excited for Raven!

Miss Dothan, Raven Pasibe, walked away as 4th Runner-Up this past Saturday. I couldn't be prouder of her in everything she has accomplished through out this journey!

All the Dothan queens!