Monday, October 28, 2013

Talons Up!

My school takes pride in the white and blue, and no matter what the score board tells us we will always love the Eagles! 
This past Friday my school, Providence Christian School, played our rival, Houston Academy, in the game of football. 
We started off the morning with finishing up the details in our sections for the pep rally, which would come in the afternoon. Next, the entire high school joined together in a tailgate, which included an inflatable! Then, we celebrated our school spirit by participating in what would be the last pep rally of the season. Lastly, we finished the day dressed in all navy, while cheering on our Eagles in the student section at the football game! I love days like these because it truly makes me see how blessed and thankful I am for having the chance to be apart of such an amazing school! 
Even though Providence wasn't able to walk away victorious on Friday night, we were all able to walk away as one! If you just attended one game at my school, you could witness yourself just how unified my school is! We win together, we lose together, we cry together, we laugh together, and we move on together! 
On yeah, I almost forgot...TALONS UP! 

We love the Eagles! 

All of the Junior girls embracing the Navy Nightmare spirit! 

Are you scared yet? 

Ready or not, here we come! 

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