Monday, October 28, 2013

Bonfires and Best friends

With high school comes many memories and times spent with friends, in this case it happened at a bonfire! 
The one thing I love most about my school is the people that surround it! No matter where I am at I always have a friend because we can all easily hang out and get along. 
Last week my entire high school, ninth through twelfth grade, gathered in honor of a football game that occurred the following Friday. Though we were all there to show our school spirit and pride, we were also there to enjoy everyone's company! 
I cannot believe how fast this year is flying by, but I am making sure to remember to sit back and take everything in because pretty soon high school will come to an end. 
So, as we all go through the daily routine, let's not forget to embrace the moment and realize that time does fly, but if you surround yourself with the right people you will enjoy the ride and cherish the memories! 

Savanna, Alison, and I making memories!

I love these two girls! (Emily on the left and Anna on the right)

Hugs and smiles with Carolyn, Hannah, and Caroline! 

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