Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modeling for Karma Boutique!

This past Saturday I was given the opportunity to model for a local boutique called Karma during the Fashion Expo! It was truly an amazing experience and all in all just a fun time! I love being on a stage; therefore, I definitely love being on a runway! 
I can confidently say that every outfit modeled from Karma Boutique was extremely adorable, and each outfit seemed to fit each girl's personality perfectly! Whether you are looking for the sassy/punk look or the sweet/innocent look, Karma has got it! 

I always have fun on a runway!

Whether you're sassy or sweet, Karma has your style!

Loved this cute dress so much that I couldn't leave without it!

All of the models from the Fashion Expo!

Honoring the Class of 2014!

As we witness the seniors walk down the path of the "year of lasts," my whole class decided since this past pep rally was the Senior Pep Rally, we wanted to honor the Class of 2014 in some way! 
We decided to go full out High School Musical by acting out a graduation ceremony and ending with a group dance. This idea was easier said than done because who knew that trying to get fifty people to do the same dance at the same time would be so difficult? After singing, dancing, and rehearsing the real High School Musical 3 graduation song many times, we all succeeded in becoming one! 
On the day of the pep rally we were all very eager and excited to be able to just have fun and celebrate the Seniors! Around two o'clock we were able to put on the caps, gowns, and sashes- these gowns were actually choir robes that a church graciously let us borrow! We not only acted the part, but we looked the part, too! When it was finally time for our entrance, we began the walk that the Seniors will soon take in May of 2014. My favorite part of the performance was the dance because while my whole grade danced and sang to the graduation song from High School Musical 3, the whole entire school sang along! This was an amazing feeling because it wasn't about us for was about the seniors and the opportunity to get everyone involved!  

Getting the chance to know how a senior feels when they graduate!

Just call us Gabriella and Sharpay!

We call ourselves the "Excellent Eight!" I wouldn't want to go through Junior year with any other group of girls!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Homecoming 2013!

I had the most amazing time at my Junior Homecoming, and I can't believe I only have one more! I was able to dance the night away with all of my closest friends! 
As you can tell from the pictures, I went dateless. To me, this was the best way to go! I wasn't stressing over my hair or even my dress because I didn't have anyone to impress! I especially loved being able to get ready with my friends, while singing the "Best Song Ever by One Direction." I was able to laugh, and just have a great time with the people who make me smile constantly!
What about slow dances, you might ask? While all the cute couples slow danced to "Wanted by Hunter Hayes," my dateless friends and I checked out the snack bar! This gave us a chance to take a break and rest our feet until the next "dancing" song came on. 
So, the reason I mentioned about myself going dateless is because I want everyone to know that just because you go alone, doesn't mean it has to be miserable! The moment is what you make it; so if you go alone to the dance chances are you aren't going to be the only one! Just remember that high-school years fly by and soon all we have left are the memories. Don't do something that you'll regret, like not going to the dance! Get out there and have fun, no matter what the situation...I did!
I loved going to homecoming solo with my best-friends! 
What a great night with the world's prettiest girls!
Savanna, Emily, and I before we left!

There's no place like HOMEcoming!

This past Friday the juniors danced our way to victory as we reenacted certain parts from the movie The Wizard of Oz. 
Our overall pep rally theme was "The Greatest Homecoming on Earth," therefore the juniors played off of the homecoming theme by using the slogan there's no place like home! This theme was extremely difficult because we acted out the most important parts throughout the storyline of The Wizard of Oz. This meant that we needed the whole grade's cooperation to pull out the "W!" 

The best part of the pep rally, to me, was the "Emory City" dance! For those of you who are familiar with the movie, the original name is Emerald City, but we had our headmaster of the school join us in acting out the part of Oz. The catch to the renaming of the city is this- our headmaster's first name is Emory; therefore, we named our city after him! It was little details like this that helped us win the pep rally. Need I even mention that our special guest was Tessa Darlington from WTVY News? I love my class so much, and I'm so excited for the next pep rally because I know we are gonna dominate again! 

The war between the juniors and seniors has just begun, and I must say things are getting heated! My school is a very competitive school, even when against each other. What I love most though is that at two 'o clock in the afternoon at a pep rally we can be totally against each-other's success, but when those friday night lights come on we are unified. We are whole again, we are one school, together we stand!

Three of the cutest clowns I've ever seen! Love these pretty cheerleaders!
We loved being the "Emory City" let's not even mention our killer dance moves!
We were able to claim the spirit stick this week! Go Juniors!
Victory! Our reaction was priceless when announced as the spirit stick winners!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Pep Rally Season!

This past Friday I was able to partake in my first Providence pep rally. Since I transferred this past January I wasn't able to get the "football experience" at Providence until now. My school is filled with school spirit, and we do not take the challenge of Juniors vs. Seniors lightly. 
Our pep rallies are very unique if I must say so myself. One thing that sets us apart in the Wiregrass at my school is the fact that Juniors and Seniors have entrances that require themes played off of the original pep rally theme. For example, the theme for the pep rally was Eagles on Fire; therefore, our theme, juniors, was played around Catching Fire from The Hunger Games. We were able to act out the reaping, while our mascot, Reagle the Eagle, and the opposing team's mascot, Wickie the Panther, fought against eachother in a battle. Of course, Reagle the Eagle won the battle, and my school won the football game! 
What made this such a special day for me is the team that we played is my old school. It was a great way to end my week, and I can't wait until next Friday because it is Homecoming, and that means an amazing pep rally theme is underway. Big things are happening in the Class of 2015's future!
Alison and I were finally able to be apart of our very first Providence Pep Rally! No matter what happens in our friendship we always get through it TOGETHER! 

We really do go all out at my school! From head-to-toe we were The Hunger Games.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sign Up and Bring Your Friends!

It's September, and we all know what that means: The Miracle League Program is back in season! This game of baseball happens twice a year, in the spring and the fall. 
During the fall, games only go on once a week; therefore there is no interference with college football games! If you haven't signed up for the fall season, you should contact your local Miracle League Program! I am so excited for this season because I am a buddy for the "Miracle Tots," which is a team for the youngest age of baseball players. 
During the spring season, it becomes more involved because you have games twice a week. I love this because you double your time of getting to inspire and encourage these young children with special needs! 
After you have committed yourself in playing an important role in a child with special needs' life, try to get your friends involved. I recently encouraged one of my friends, and she is signing up to become a buddy. I love getting to be apart of The Miracle League Program, so I especially love getting to share about it and encourage people to become apart of this amazing family! Remember this, The Miracle League is always needing volunteers; it's literally how we survive. So, if your waiting for an invitation to become apart of these life changing it is!                  

Happy Labor Day!

    When most of us think of Labor Day, we think of a three day weekend, cook-outs, football games, the end of summer, and all around relaxation. What we don't realize, is that Labor Day signifies recognition to the nation's working men and women. The US Labor Department describes the holiday in these words "It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country." So next time you are being checked out at the cash register, being served at a restaurant, or getting helpful advice from an employee- remember to express your gratitude for their generosity.  
    How was my Labor Day weekend spent, you might ask? I spent three days at the sunny area of Panama City Beach. I was able to enjoy all of the examples I mentioned above. My friend (Emily) and I made the most of the weekend before we head back to school on Tuesday. I am so thankful for such a great friend like Emily, who always keeps me smiling until it hurts and laughing until I cry! 
    All in all, my weekend was very refreshing, and as sad as I am that it's over; I'm glad to be able to get back in the swing of things! I hope everyone enjoys their last day of the Labor Day weekend, and remember to not forget the people who are the reason for it! 
All my love,
Ashlyn Cullifer 
Just because we are sixteen doesn't mean that Emily and I can't splash around in the water like we're kids again!

The weather was so beautiful this weekend!

War Eagle from my best-friend and I!

We like to think of ourselves as models!

Right when I got to the Auburn Game Cook-out, I had a precious little girl come up to me. She was like a little shadow and little sister I never had!

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

Every brunette/ginger needs a blonde best-friend.