Monday, September 16, 2013

Homecoming 2013!

I had the most amazing time at my Junior Homecoming, and I can't believe I only have one more! I was able to dance the night away with all of my closest friends! 
As you can tell from the pictures, I went dateless. To me, this was the best way to go! I wasn't stressing over my hair or even my dress because I didn't have anyone to impress! I especially loved being able to get ready with my friends, while singing the "Best Song Ever by One Direction." I was able to laugh, and just have a great time with the people who make me smile constantly!
What about slow dances, you might ask? While all the cute couples slow danced to "Wanted by Hunter Hayes," my dateless friends and I checked out the snack bar! This gave us a chance to take a break and rest our feet until the next "dancing" song came on. 
So, the reason I mentioned about myself going dateless is because I want everyone to know that just because you go alone, doesn't mean it has to be miserable! The moment is what you make it; so if you go alone to the dance chances are you aren't going to be the only one! Just remember that high-school years fly by and soon all we have left are the memories. Don't do something that you'll regret, like not going to the dance! Get out there and have fun, no matter what the situation...I did!
I loved going to homecoming solo with my best-friends! 
What a great night with the world's prettiest girls!
Savanna, Emily, and I before we left!

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