Monday, September 2, 2013

Sign Up and Bring Your Friends!

It's September, and we all know what that means: The Miracle League Program is back in season! This game of baseball happens twice a year, in the spring and the fall. 
During the fall, games only go on once a week; therefore there is no interference with college football games! If you haven't signed up for the fall season, you should contact your local Miracle League Program! I am so excited for this season because I am a buddy for the "Miracle Tots," which is a team for the youngest age of baseball players. 
During the spring season, it becomes more involved because you have games twice a week. I love this because you double your time of getting to inspire and encourage these young children with special needs! 
After you have committed yourself in playing an important role in a child with special needs' life, try to get your friends involved. I recently encouraged one of my friends, and she is signing up to become a buddy. I love getting to be apart of The Miracle League Program, so I especially love getting to share about it and encourage people to become apart of this amazing family! Remember this, The Miracle League is always needing volunteers; it's literally how we survive. So, if your waiting for an invitation to become apart of these life changing it is!                  

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